Crawford Amateur Radio Society
Supporting Amateur Radio in NW PA since 1972

Supporting Amateur Radio in NWPA since 1972

Crawford Amateur Radio Society

About Us

The Crawford Amateur Radio Society is an ARRL Special Services Club. We meet monthly, on the third Tuesday of the month, currently at St Brigids Church Social hall on Arch Street in Meadville. We provide Education, licensing exams and actively pursue technical projects, emergency communications and operating activities.  Our members come from all over Western PA and Ohio.

The club maintains 4 repeaters in Crawford County. All club repeaters require a PL tone of 186.2 for access.

147.210 – is the main repeater located at the Crawford County Fairgrounds and has emergency backup power. The equipment is a VXR-7000 (50 watts) with an Arcom RC210 controller. The repeater provides public service with Skywarn communications for the National Weather Service , support to the county emergency services and other public service organizations when they hold an event. This repeater is also the home to a nightly net at 9pm (except meeting nights and holidays).

147.03+ repeater is located in Norrisville. It’s a Yaesu DR-2X, configured for both analog and digital and located on a commercial tower that the club occupies space on and is equipped with battery backup

145.130 + Located on a site along Route 27 east of Meadville.  The tower site is club owned and maintained. It is also a Yaesu DR-2X, configured for both analog and digital, with battery backup

444.075+ is one of the few UHF repeaters in Northwest Pennsylvania. It is also located at the club owned site on RT 27 and is a Motorola Quantar.



DX Watch
Solar Data
Amateur Radio News

Gerald E. “Gerry” Murphy, K8YUW, passed away on February 25, 2025. He was 88 years old, and the founder of the Hurricane Watch Net (HWN). According to a statement released by [...] is reporting "A Hole In The Sun's Atmosphere" thatshould reach Earth on March 9 and 10.Solar activity has been at moderate levels for the past 24 hours.The largest solar [...]

We’re seeing peak conditions from Solar Cycle 25 just in time for the ARRL International DX SSB Contest. It gets underway this weekend at 0000 UTC on Saturday, March 1, [...]

A Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) associated with a filament eruptionbecame visible on February 26 at 1448 UTC.  Model analysisdetermined this CME to be a miss ahead of the Sun/Earth line.Unsettled [...]

In late January 2025, 17 students and staff members from Las Animas High School (LAHS) in Colorado visited the Deep Space Exploration Society Radio Telescope (DSES) located at the Plishner [...]

ARRL is equipping the next generation of radio amateurs with the knowledge to get active on the air. “On the Air Live” is a monthly interactive webinar series that does [...]

Solar activity is expected to range from low to moderate levelsthrough March 15.  There is a varying chance for R1 or R2 (Minor orModerate) events, and a slight chance for [...]