By: Rich Moseson, W2VUSome 175 scientists, students, professors, and amateur radio operators from around the world gathered in person and virtually on March 14 and 15 to share research, educate [...]
Dozens of amateur radio clubs have made plans to host an ARRL Ham Radio Open House in April. The nationwide event is centered around World Amateur Radio Day on April [...]
Solar activity reached moderate levels due to an isolated M1.5/1nflare on March 19 at 2040 UTC from Region AR4031. Regions AR4028,AR4034, and AR4035 exhibited slight growth.Region AR4026 re-emerged in the [...]
In a Public Notice titled “In Re: Delete, Delete, Delete,” issued on March 12, 2025, the FCC is soliciting public input on any FCC rules in any service that members [...]
Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at minor storm levelsfor March 18, and then from March 27 and 27 all due to recurrentCoronal Hole influences.Solar activity was at low [...]
The ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section (SJV) conducted “Perfect Storm,” an amateur radio emergency exercise, on March 5 - 7.Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) Dan Sohn, WL7COO, asked that a section-wide [...]