Crawford Amateur Radio Society
Supporting Amateur Radio in NW PA since 1972

Supporting Amateur Radio in NWPA since 1972

Crawford Amateur Radio Society

Work Session Rt 27 Tower site August 7 2024

A crew led by John, N3CUP, met Wednesday 8/7 to finish the hardline installation for the 145.13 and 444.075 repeaters


John and Barry, WA3GSH had met on Monday to install the cable bridge from the tower to the shed.

On Wednesday, with the help of Fred, N3QFA , Ed, W8JR and Tim, K3UD, the cables were cut to the proper length, fastened to the cable bridge and reterminated to the equipment in the shed….many thanks to the crew !!!!!


before pictures


Tim and Fred pulling the new hardline into the building

the finished project, neatly done and off the ground !!!

Fred installing the new hardline connectors under the watchful eye of Tim.


DX Watch
Solar Data
Amateur Radio News

By: Rich Moseson, W2VUSome 175 scientists, students, professors, and amateur radio operators from around the world gathered in person and virtually on March 14 and 15 to share research, educate [...]

Dozens of amateur radio clubs have made plans to host an ARRL Ham Radio Open House in April. The nationwide event is centered around World Amateur Radio Day on April [...]

Solar activity reached moderate levels due to an isolated M1.5/1nflare on March 19 at 2040 UTC from Region AR4031.  Regions AR4028,AR4034, and AR4035 exhibited slight growth.Region AR4026 re-emerged in the [...]

In a Public Notice titled “In Re: Delete, Delete, Delete,” issued on March 12, 2025, the FCC is soliciting public input on any FCC rules in any service that members [...]

Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at minor storm levelsfor March 18, and then from March 27 and 27 all due to recurrentCoronal Hole influences.Solar activity was at low [...]

The ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section (SJV) conducted “Perfect Storm,” an amateur radio emergency exercise, on March 5 - 7.Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) Dan Sohn, WL7COO, asked that a section-wide [...]